Archive for March, 2012

Brick’s Posterous is Moving… To WordPress

I am trying to move my blog from Posterous (which has just been aquired by Twiter??). So far It ain’t working so good importing my stuff from Posterous 😦  Maybe they will figure out how to get it done? Meanwhile I’ll have two blogs… Yuck

The People of the Javari Valley, Brazil

  Interesting documentary, I hope that the Javari Valley Reservation, will remain protected for a long time to come…. It’s just stupid to destroy the Amazon. These remote tribes should be respected. Now finally they are, it seems.   This documentary gets inside the world of the most fearsome indians of the Amazonia, the so called Korubo. The cameras will be able to shoot for the first time the daily life of this secret Brazilian tribe. Feared by the nearby tribes, they are known as “Head crashers” by the white colonists because of their extraordinary ability to make use of huge sticks. This tribe has suffered a real persecution for many years. Our crew made a great effort to gain the confidence of these unpredictable natives. An unplanned fact made easier the approach to the fearsome tribe. The documentary will show how their queen Maiaá, who was suffering malaria, could be saved by us. The gratitude allowed our cameras to shoot their daily life including amazing moments such as the electric fish hunt or enjoying the children’s games. A journey to the heart of this people and their fight for survival.  


     ~ Brick

the Obama’s Law Licenses…




Barack’s law license was surrendered in lieu of action against it for falsifying portions of his original license application. Another blogger maintained there was some malfeasance (unspecified) involved and the “retirement” avoided action like disbarment or suspension.

As for Michelle’s law license, there was similar speculation by bloggers. One blogger pointed to Michelle’s involvement in the patient-dumping scheme while she worked for a large hospital system in Chicago. I am not sure, but I believe that is the job where she obtained an obscene salary increase after Bar-O was elected Senator.

I will reiterate for our usual lurking trolls that these are what bloggers reported–not me.

I don’t know the reason, but I do find it strange that they would retire their law licenses so early in life unless there was some significant driving force behind it. Most professionals, once licensed, maintain their licenses even well into retirement to be able to work part-time should the need arise.

Read more:

Barack’s licensure status:

Mooochelle’s licensure status:

The site is the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Illinois Supreme Court, so that would be the official transcript of their licensure status as of posting 11:45 AM, January 4, 2012.

Read more:


Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review – Has No Law License???

Michelle Obama Loses Law License, 1993:



Says a lot about the character and honesty of the leader(s) of the most powerful country on the planet huh?


     ~ Brick

Would You know a Dictator if you saw one?


With the world the way it is today, Would You know a Dictator if you saw one?

Could you really tell ???

Well this should help!!!


This is what a real live

dictator looks like.

Worthless Border Fence… ha ha

Watch on Posterous

Obviously, border fences are a joke to the drug runners…

That is not an “auto” jack… It is a farm jack (you can get ’em at Harbor Freight for about $40.) they will lift 7000 lbs plus! I know, I have 2 of them. I lifted a complete 3 car garage 4 feet up with 4 of them!!!


~ Brick

the Horny Bike ha ha…

Here’s a bigger one…

     ~ Brick


I want one of these…

I want one of these… or something close to it.

Got any ideas where a poor guy could find one?



     ~ Brick

Now, A whole bunch of seriously well qualified law enforcement professionals and forensic experts have sworn under oath a number of Obama’s credentials are indeed forged and fraudulent. When is Congress going to do their Job! Obama has clearly committed multiple felonies!!! And, is NOT eligible to hold the office of President.

The Eleventh Commandment?


The Eleventh Commandment?



~ Brick