Archive for August, 2011





     ~ Brick

The Truth About Barry’s Mid-West Bus Tour!


How stupid does he think we are?






(Don’t answer that question.)

Secret Service Buys Two New $1.1 Million
Buses For A Three-Day Trip…



US President Barack Obama (C) walks to his bus as he arrives in Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Minnesota, August 15, 2011, where he is to begin his three-day bus tour in the Midwest where he explains how he is going to grow the economy.




He then FLIES on AirForce-1 to an airport somewhere in the Midwest, hops into a brand new 1.1 Million Dollar custom made bullet proof bus, paid for by you and me, for a “bus tour” ‘around the Midwest, and after an hour or so, gets he driven back to the airport for ANOTHER FLIGHT, which lands at another airport where another 1.1 Million Dollar brand new black bus is waiting for him… and he repeats this same scenario until his “Midwest Bus Tour” is done??


Oh yes… and THEN the Prez leaves on a 12 day, multi-million $ luxury vacation to Martha’s Vineyard… to REST UP from this grueling campaign bus tour!


And, even more amazingly… those brand new shiny black buses aren’t even DRIVEN to the locations where they meet Obama? Those buses are each loaded up on one or more

Air Force C-17s. Then, they are flown to the next destination ahead of AirForce-1.


On this hollywood style ‘bus tour’, the Prez will lecture the ‘little people’ on how they need to live within their means and cut-back!  Remember this is the same Obama who recently told a family man to GO BUY A HYBRID VAN when he said he couldn’t afford to fill up his truck???


Obama’s ‘carbon footprint’ must be as large as Chicago by now!

All of this is, of course, on the taxpayer’s dime.
But remember, this is NOT a “campaign trip” –
it is a “Meet with the people” trip only!
So that the DNC does NOT pay one cent for all of this.

Did I mention that both of these buses were made in Canada!!!

Apparently, American-made buses aren’t of good enough quality???


~ Brick

Why Do They Hate Us So Much?

A profoundly well written explanation of why the ‘left’ hates conservatives so much!

“We’re in deep, deep trouble. If we don’t come to grips with the nature of our challenges, we’re going to implode. At present, we have a President who doesn’t want to fix the problems, and we have an intransigent Senate committed, on principle, to pretending our problems aren’t real. In the House, we have wobbly, lukewarm leadership. I think if we don’t reverse course this next election, there will not be an America as we have known it.” ~ MarkAmerica

Why Do They Hate Us So Much?

It’s the reflexive reaction of those who have the most to lose, and their numbers are substantial. In their self-delusions, they’ve continued to pretend to themselves that everything will go on as it has for more than two generations, with no interruptions in the gravy train, and their stubborn indifference to the mathematical certainty permits them momentary refuge against a reality they’ve created but wish not to endure. When a voice rises to warn them, they dutifully dismiss it. When the Tea Party arose, they were faced with a messenger they could not so easily silence. Worse, when Sarah Palin became one of their number, they allowed themselves to be seduced by the establishment’s siren song, offering to them a gentle lullaby that promised the gravy train would continue. The media told them that Sarah Palin is stupid, and that the Tea Party is a small band of nuts, and since that message comforted them, they greedily accepted it. After more than two years, some of them have noticed that the wheels are coming off and the rails are splitting, and a few have begun to leap from the sides. Their hatred of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party is not born of ignorance, but of a knowing resentment that these messengers had been right all along…

More of Mark’s brilliant essay here:

     ~ Brick


…wolf in sheeps clothing?

Think You Were Hustled By A Slick Talking Obama? Well, you may want to take a closer look at Rick Perry. He was a lifelong Democrat and was Al Gores campaign manager in Texas! So, now he is suddenly a Republican? But, he is anything but a true conservative. He may just be a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Read this…

     ~ Brick

Truth is, Barack is not a nice man… I honestly believe Barack Obama is a shrewd calculating front-man for the radical Muslim elements of the world… including the terrorists. Sure he helped oust Gaddafi; only to back a Muslim takeover by the radical Al Qaeda Muslims behind the ‘National Transitional Council.’ So, watch now as Libya goes from a ruthless dictator to a repressive Muslim state under strict shria law. I believe he wants nothing less than the same for America!

A ventriloquist cowboy story…

  A ventriloquist cowboy walks into town and sees an Indian sitting on his
porch. He figures he’ll have a little fun…

Cowboy: “Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?”

Indian: “Dog no talk.”

Cowboy: “Hey dog, how’s it going?”

Dog: “Doin’ alright.”

Indian: <extreme look of shock>

Cowboy: ” Is this Indian your owner?” <pointing at Indian>

Dog: “Yep”

Cowboy: “How does he treat you?”

Dog: “Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me
to the lake once a week to play.”

Indian: <look of disbelief>

Cowboy: “Mind if I talk to your horse?”

Indian: “Horse no talk.”

Cowboy: “Hey horse, how’s it going?”

Horse: “Cool.”

Indian: <extreme look of shock>

Cowboy: “Is this your owner? “<pointing at Indian>

Horse: “Yep”

Cowboy: “How’s he treat you?”

Horse: “Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me
down often, and keeps me in the barn to protect me from the elements.”

Indian: <total look of amazement>

Cowboy: “Mind if I talk to your sheep?”

Indian: “Sheep Lie.”




     ~ Brick


Coolest Model In The World! Oh Yeah!


Coolest Model In The World! Oh Yeah!
It took 6 years and over 5 million dollars to build!
…be sure to watch the 2nd video too.



    ~ Brick


Cheap iPads!


Hi All,

If you are interested in getting an iPad I can get hold of them cheap through a contact. These are ok too, not off the back of a truck, or stolen or anything. They are from a cancelled Hospital contract due to the Government cutbacks.

The numbers are limited – he only has twenty iPads left and they are going for less than half price so it’s first come first served. He has already sold several, so these probably won’t last long? 


(pic is attached below so you can see exactly what you are getting).

Get back to me as quick as you can if you want one!









~ Brick





A guy is driving around the back woods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: ‘Talking Dog For Sale ‘He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there.

‘You talk?’ he asks.

‘Yep,’ the Lab replies.

After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says ‘So, what’s your story?’ The Lab looks up and says, ‘Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA.

In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running… But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger so I decided to settle down.

I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog.

‘Ten dollars,’ the guy says.

‘Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?’

‘Because he’s a big liar. He’s never been out of the yard’


     ~ Brick


…best Slow Smoked BBQ Ribs in the World!

Guy & Mae’s Tavern

119 W William St
Williamsburg, KS 66095

(785) 746-8830



They consistently sell

5 to 6 THOUSAND slabs of ribs a month!!!

A remarkable event of much import to the culinary world occurred back in 1973 in the unlikely little berg of Williamsburg, KS. Guy and Mae started a tavern there and began to sell ribs. This fine little establishment, inexplicably called “Guy & Mae’s Tavern,” is rib mecca for those in the BBQ know. As you head northeast on 1-35 toward Kansas City you pay your toll at Emporia as you gradually leave the flint hills. Little does the uninformed traveler know that a mere 40 miles up the road toward Kansas City is BBQ heaven. Williamsburg is about 15 miles southwest of Ottawa as the buzzard flies, and it reached the big time when it got its own exit off I-35. At last count it had 191 females, 166 males, 5 registered sex offenders–and Guy & Mae’s Tavern… And that is pretty much it.


There is almost nothing else there’ most stores empty? But, in this unlikely place in the middle of nowhere, you will find the purveyors of the best Slow Smoked BBQ Ribs in the World! It don’t look like much… It’s just an ordinary kind of run down looking beer tavern! It doesn’t even say BBQ on the outside? Yet,

Guy & Mae’s Tavern have been serving up the best BBQ Ribs you will likely ever eat since 1973… And, a heck of a lot of them too! People come from miles around and many other states just for these amazing ribs. They constantly sell 5 to 6 THOUSAND slabs of them a month!!! Johnny Carson used to have them flown out to LA on a regular basis. Doc Severnsen has brought his whole band to feast at Guy & Mae’s a number of times. Along with a bunch of other celebs who’s pictures are on the walls too. Yep… this place is that good.


Trying not be biased here but these ribs are the best I’ve ever had… And, I’ve had a lot of them all over the country. You have to try them without the sauce because truly they do not need it!!! This is gourmet quality pork smoked at very low temps for a long time with a little dry rub and basted with a secret liquid from a spray bottle! The end result is perfection. Not to imply their sauce isn’t good… it is. But the complex flavors of the smoked ribs are so darn good you may find you like it better without the sauce, like I did!


They have some meat sandwiches (which are delicious, too), spicy pickles, potato salad, cole slaw and they have the best beans I’ve ever had too. Anywhere.. Those, my friends, are really just fillers – the real winner here are the ribs. Mostly I just sampled these other items though… I was having way too much sheer joy eating a whole slab of incredible pork ribs by myself! Talk about a pig-out! Oh yeah, they are that good.



Blink, cough or sneeze and you’ll miss the tiny town of Williamsburg, Kansas. But don’t. Because the BBQ ribs at Guy and Mae’s is absolutely worth the trek, from anywhere! It don’t look like much but we are talking $15 for a full slab of some of the finest ribs you’ve ever had in your life. This is a rustic 3rd generation family run beer joint in a podunk l’il town in nowhere Kansas? And, it will blow you away! The lesson here is that looks are deceiving. The establishment is in a small, rundown building. The interior a dated and decorated with a bunch of typical bar type junk on the walls. However, dig deeper and you’ll find a glorious diamond in the rough… or in this case, absolute perfection in smoked, falling-off-the-bone BBQ ribs.

Very few of us ever get the chance to try the absolute best of anything?

So, If you ever have the chance to try Guy & Mae’s Ribs, you can know you’ve  

had the distinct pleasure of having enjoyed what are likely the best BBQ ribs in the world! 

   ~ Brick


Understanding Stupid…




Please read this if you know or are related to someone who suffers from stupidity. People need to understand that stupidity is real and should be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a stupid person right now. There is still no known cure for stupidity and sympathy does not help. But we can raise awareness! The worst part of this affliction is that it often masks itself as intelligence; thus many stupid people are obsessed with changing their friends minds, and sometimes the whole world to fit their demented idea of what is good. Stupid people cannot think ahead. They simply can’t understand the consequences of their actions. Thus, they usually continue to make the same mistakes over and over their whole lives. Because of their affliction, stupid people are often attracted to causes and politics. For example PETA, NOW, ACORN, MOVEON.ORG, NEA and many others would not exist if it weren’t for stupid people. Stupid people are anti-business because they invariably are incapable of running a successful business. The concept that you actually have to create something or perform a service to make money does not compute in their feeble minds. They honestly believe they should be given money because it is unfair for you to have more than they do. Worst of all, it always comes back to this same sad fact: Stupid people are invariably too stupid to recognize that they are stupid!



 ~ Brick